Monday, April 9, 2012

" Des de les hores mortes, talaiot, m'omplo la pell de dibuixos obscens i tu hi ets, Marta, en tots. Minuciós et ressegueixo sines i malucs, el ventre lleu i el sexe ardent i obscur amb la punta dels dits extasiats. Ets una sola i moltes. Complaent i complaguda alhora rodolem per un pendent insòlit. Cada gest perfà l'extrema intimitat del joc desmesurat i estricte. Marta, els mots que ens diem sense dir-los no són pas escuma sinó aigua, i el desig és un vast horitzó. Si tanco els ulls te'm fas present i esclaten els colors. L'arbre de llum tan densa dels sentits poblat de nou de fulles i d'ocells. " Miquel Martí i Pol.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Strawberry Girl

If there was a fire in/within The Wallace Collection Museum and I could/had save just one piece of art my choice would be The Strawberry girl by Joshua Reynolds.I was instantly caught with this painting. The author called it “The Strawberry Girl “ but I would rather call it “I wish I hide”. I can imagine she has strawberries hidden under her dress because of the name of the painting but it could be anything else because her penetrating and mysterious gaze is hiding something uncommon for a child and you can’t see exactly what  it is in this gloomy scenario. I think this is the power of this painting because you can see a very strong dark side in it and her eyes are mesmerizing all the time when you pass in front of it. 
It's funny/strange how something so trivial as picking strawberries can be converted into a dark and twisted scene.(how the painter moves something as fun as it can go to pick strawberries in a scene so dark). I dare to say that maybe this girl really existed and the author felt deep admiration for her as the admiration transferred to the desire felt for Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov or Lewis Carroll for Alice.
The position of her hands reminds me a pregnant woman but I think she is too young to be pregnant and the author wants to say something metaphorical with all of this, because her eyes are hiding something dark and inappropriate for her age. 

Hello there, I am Marta and I am from nowhere.